… For weeks I had been looking forward to this night. I had a solid lead from a cohort on a ticket to tonight’s Matchbox Twenty / Alanis Morissette / Mute Math show in Milwaukee …
I’ve already seen Alanis and Mute Math, so that would have been a bonus to see them again. But it was the idea of finally crossing Matchbox Twenty -- one of my favorite bands of all time -- off my list of bands I must see before I die. For weeks I had been imagining the exhilaration of hearing and seeing the guys do “How Far We’ve Come” …
But it’s not happening.
And now we’re getting a snowstorm that’s supposed to drop like 22 inches on us before it's over.
Seriously, even as the snow was pouring down at 4 this afternoon I was looking out my office window and thinking, if she gets back to me before 5, I can still make it through the storm and get up there.
But it’s not happening.
I’m heartbroken for sure. It’s like The Shins downer all over again.
* * *
But 22 inches of snow? Right. I’ll believe it when I see it … Especially since that snow we were getting this afternoon has stopped.
And I’m not sure how much more of this crummy weather I can take. Getting up at 5:30 in the morning and killing my back to shovel …
Sunday night, in all the Super Bowl excitement, Kates and I had no idea it had snowed several inches until we started watching the local news and the station had a report on it. Then we looked out our windows and realized what we’d missed …
And then yesterday, after I’d gotten up early to shovel once more, we got a serious dose of rain. Cold, hard, pouring rain. Rain that was so harsh it was the definition of nasty.
I hate winter.
* * *
So now Kates and I have spent the night catching up on some TV …
First of all, last night’s Letterman.
His recap of the Giants’ Super Bowl run was HA-larious. Few people can tell a story like him …
And then Hillary Clinton was on -- one night before tonight's "Super Tuesday," no less … I’ll just say, I thought she was really impressive …
* * *
We finally got around to watching the "Lost" premiere (Seriously, it did strike me also that the premiere didn't open with another eyeball ...), too ...
I didn't immediately like it, but I'm thinking as I let it sink in over the next couple days it will grow on me ...
There were a couple mind-boggling things that smacked me the moment they were thrown, including Hurly yelling out that he was one of the Oceanic Six. The Oceanic Six!? Great, so only six people survive this whole ordeal!? And now we have to figure out who they are!?
And, whoah, how crazy are the flash forwards!? It changes the whole dynamic of the show! Now the island scenes are the flasbacks!
Also, for the record, I would have gone with Locke. He's been right on a whole lot of stuff -- when it's going to rain, Juliet being a traitor (going against The Others) ...
"Lost" reads ...
a 'Lost's' fab start to Season 4, and a chat with co-creator Damon Lindelof
a 'Lost': Questions We Need Answered
a Q&A: Michael Emerson on 'Lost'
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