
Ramblin' on!

So a cool thing happened to me this morning ...

As I was leaving my house, the last song playing on my iPod was a version of Train doing a cover of Led Zeppelin's "Ramble On." The version is like 10 years old, and I've rarely heard it anywhere else ...

Then I get into my car, and on the radio is Pat Monahan (lead singer of Train) doing "Ramble On." At a live broadcast, right then and there on the radio.

Talk about a sweet way to start a Friday ... And it got better ...

The Summerfest announcements have started coming in and this afternon we learned the wonderful Stevie Wonder will be opening the fest at The Marcus. I'm seriously thinking about it ...

Then! We got word that Counting Crows -- one of my all-time favorite bands -- is coming to town next month! A couple days within Kates' due date! Are you kidding me!? ... Kates going into labor may be the only thing to stop me from getting to that show -- so here's hoping Baby arrives a little early like everyone seems to be predicting. Or a little late is fine too ...

Hey, the sun is shining brightly. It's nearly 50 degrees, and the snow is melting fast ...

I couldn't be happier.

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