
More Idol recap

... I'm still basking in the glow of last night's fulfilling "American Idol."

Maybe it's the whole Kansas City connection. Or the fact that David Cook was such an underdog. Or that he's such a good guy ... Much like the Jayhawks win (gosh, has it really been almost two months!?) I was so pleased and wrapped in last night's finale that nothing could take me off the high I was riding today ... And I was just some measly TV viewer sitting on his little old couch at home.

Alas, Michael Slezak's EW review was a fun read today ...

I've become a huge fan of reading his Idol thoughts each week (just look back at the links in all of my Idol posts this year), and toward the end, I was pretty certain what to expect from him on all these mornings after -- and also kind of proud and redeemed when his thoughts on the performances so closely matched mine.

... He's made me laugh out loud in my cubicle on several mornings, and he's had me grunting and shaking my head in disgust at other times. There were days when I thought he was dead-on and days that I thought he was so off-base I wondered what season he was watching.

Nevertheless, my Wednesday and Thursday mornings with his commentary won't be the same for the next seven months ...

Here's today's write-up from Slezak.

... And when you're done reading him, here's some more good reads about Idol ...

a 10 most unforgettable ‘Idol’ performances ... Not sure I completely agree with this list. What about Brooke White's "Let it Be" !? ... And David Archuleta's "Imagine" was sooo much better than "You're the Voice."
a American Idol Tracker: Miles Siggins, 'Idol's' fashion police
a 'American Idol's' Cook and Archuleta face off as an aging franchise faces changes
a 'American Idol' still on top, but at a crossroads ... I'm also not sure I would call Cook's win the "most dramatic upset" in Idol history" ... But Idol definitely did have its drawbacks this year.

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