... Sure, Kates and I have five shows we watch on both Mondays and Thursdays. Have no fear, DVR is here...
... On Tuesday night, I had some other work to finish before I could sit down to watch Game 1 of the ALCS. So I set the DVR to reord the game ...
When I finished my work, I took my seat in front of the tele, started up the DVR -- an almost 90 minutes after the first pitch had been thrown and proceeded to watch the Tigers throttle the A's. Commercial-free, I might add.
It was great.
... Wednesday night. Kates arrived home from work. We made a road trip to DQ to use some coupons. Then with a couple grilled burger baskets and moo-lates (mmm. mmm. good) in hand, we were catching up on part of a Conan from last week, Monday night's Letterman with Robin Williams (HA-larious. We laughed with tears in our eyes ...) and Tuesday night's "Daily Show." And then it was on to the baseball ...
... One of these days we'll get to the episodes of "Heroes" and "Six Degrees" stacked up on our DVR ...
Noted with an interesting piece in USA Today this morning, it's a whole new era for TV. Put all the best shows at 8 p.m. on Thursday night if they want, we'll find a way to watch 'em. On our time. Time slots barely matter anymore with DVRs, and downloadable TV shows on the network Web sites. The best TV shows get richer and the worst shows get canceled after two weeks ...
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