
Tonight's news

... NBC did it again tonight, offering up an informative and fascinating look back on Gerald Ford's legacy. It was a good watch ...

... Then later in the newscast, just before a commercial break, Brian Williams told us to stick around for more on "today's bombshell in the sports world ..."

What!? ... I wondered out loud to Kates that we could only hope Barry Bonds had decided to save whatever integrity baseball's homerun record has left and retire ...

It turned out I was close, but not close enough ... A court ruled federal investigators could use the names of players who tested positive for steroids in 2003.

Here's some other good reads from the past week ...
a Gerald Ford: One of history's bravest leaders?
a Giuliani's Primary Hurdle
a Nothing New Here -- And That's the Point
a User-Generated Content Dominates Google's 2006 Hot List
a ‘The Nine’ waits for its second chance amidst much consternation
a Gifts to give some TV characters
a Nielsen Fun Facts: Small Talk About Big Numbers
a Shrine to Ralphie: All that's missing are the bunny pj's... and the related I double-dog dare you to tour house ... I'm soooo going here the next time we go to Cleveland ...

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